You might be reading a successful blog by Al Hartman in the real estate industry. Today, we will discuss on how to create a successful blog like
Blogging in business
Corporate blogs offer you the opportunity to be transparent to your customers and to talk to them. The content of the respective blog article plays a major role in this. The more relevant and informative the content, the greater the added value for the customer.
The following steps should help you to find a structured introduction to writing blog articles.
Your start at writing a blog article
Understand your readers. Internalize the questions and problems of your desired customers and think into them.
What information behaviour do your desired customers or buyer personas have? Ask yourself which topics and challenges your buyer persona deals with.
Then decide on one of these topics and determine a working title. This helps to structure your thoughts and to approach your research in a more targeted manner. You can also formulate the final title later.
When you've gathered enough information on the subject, start writing: a condensed intro that draws attention and informs the reader of what to expect is a good place to start.
Create a structure for your text so that the information is presented well for the reader. Keep an eye on the information that you definitely want to convey and think of sections, bullet points and subheadings.
Then write the text and formulate your ideas. Use a dictionary to look up alternative terms.
After writing, check the text again yourself and have someone else read it who also knows the buyer persona. Check style and grammar, wording and reasoning. A blog article is never perfect - so feel free to let it rest for a night and read it through again the next morning. Here's how to start optimizing your blog post.
Optimize your blog article
Now the text for your business partners and desired customers is ready. The second, equally important, step now follows: optimization.
Optimization for search engines:
It is essential to optimize this content in such a way that search engines can classify your contribution correctly.
This means that you should include keywords in the text and on the page and provide links to and from other websites.
Furthermore, customers must be able to read your blog post on mobile devices such as smartphones or tablets.
Optimization for lead generation
It is also important that you offer further offers on the blog page that have the option for potential customers to register. Make sure that this call to action is in the context of the blog article and takes the reader further in their customer journey.
Once readers have registered, your company has the opportunity to address them personally, to talk about specialist topics or to offer individual advice.
In this way you build a relationship with the readers and help your customers or potential customers in their decision-making processes.
Analyze your blog article
Last but not least: In order to make your corporate blog a measurable vehicle for success in your company, you should analyze your website visitors or website traffic with the help of suitable marketing software.
However, good marketing software doesn't just help you analyze the data on your company blog. If you opt for inbound marketing software, i.e. customer-centered software with a holistic approach, you can control all marketing functions in an integrated manner right from the start.
Would you like to know more?
Our latest whitepaper "Corporate Blog Guide" offers you detailed instructions on how to create a successful blog post for your company that is optimized for customers and search engines - let yourself be inspired!